Why a Life Coach I would like you to take a moment and imagine the feeling of living your life exactly the way you want it to be. Close your eyes and picture it. Where would you be living? What would you be driving? How would your relationships be? What kind of career would you […]
Business and Life Coaching Lessons from Baseball Part 2
There are numerous lessons that surround us each day. In this series we are taking a closer look at the many business and life lessons that America’s great past time offers us. The last lesson taught us the importance of not letting one small thing — a bad pitch, inning, or game– ruin your season. […]
Practice being successful
Your daily practices create your future. What you do daily, whether positive or negative, create your long-term results. Your habits today will determine your outcomes tomorrow. If you want to be a millionaire, you’ve got to have millionaire practices. What are your daily practices? Are they positive or negative practices. You see if you practice […]
It’s all about the percentages
It’s all about the percentages, 60-30-10 rules of small business Small Business Percentages I teach my clients to divide their time based on the many roles that a small business owner plays. As a small business owner you are the marketing department, the sales team, customer service, production department, human resources, and the Executive Team. […]
Success by Breaking Through Personal Barriers
Success by Breaking Through Personal Barriers Success can be defined as breaking through your personal barriers. Do you even know what your personal barriers are? Are you aware of how your personal barriers, your self imposed limits, may be holding you back? When you set a goal say it out loud. Say it with conviction–emotion. […]
How to overcome your own limits in 5 steps
Where do our Limits Begin “Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.“ […]
Goal Setting isn’t just for Fourth Graders
Goal Setting I was recently invited to a local elementary school to speak to a group of about 70 fourth and fifth graders about goal setting, for their Wonderful Wednesday program. At first I was a bit surprised to learn that most of these kids have had little exposure to what goals are or what […]
Top 5 Foods to Avoid
This is a guest post from I friend I met at Brendon Burchard‘s experts Academy. This is great info if you are pursuing a healthier diet or if you are looking to increase your energy and vitality. I look forward to your comments below. 1. Trans Fats, Partially Hydrogenated and Hydrogenated Oils Scan your food […]
Building Passive Income is the key to financial success
Building Passive Income Key to Financial Success Do you want the key to financial success? Quit trading time for money. All of my financially independent clients have one thing in common, they have systems in place that earn income, even when they are not spending time on generating that income. For some it is owning […]
Your Beliefs Create Your Results
The roots create the fruits. That which you sow, you will grow. A seed grows a complete root system before it ever breaks through the soil surface. Now if you planted bean seeds when you really wanted an apple tree and apples, then you will experience a very different result than what you expected. The […]