The roots create the fruits.
That which you sow, you will grow. A seed grows a complete root system before it ever breaks through the soil surface. Now if you planted bean seeds when you really wanted an apple tree and apples, then you will experience a very different result than what you expected. The results in your life and business are like harvests we just spoke of. Your results can be traced back to your seed thoughts. These original seed thoughts grew deep roots long before you became who you are now. They formed your beliefs about life and business. Your beliefs are rooted to your thoughts, which shaped your feelings that branched into behaviors. Your behaviors formed habits. Your habits ultimately created results. Your results created your life. Any struggles you have in your life are just a result. Any dissatisfaction you are encountering is just a reflection of your roots. Too often when we try to change the fruits (results) in our life, we prune our tree and provide fresh fertilizer and water. And what happens? We get more of the same fruit that we didn’t want. Why? Because the roots(beliefs) produce the fruits. If you want to know what your roots(beliefs) are, observe your fruits—observe the results you are getting. In order to succeed you must reprogram your mind for success. If you are committed to getting new results, it is critical to begin with changing your beliefs. In this world everything works from the inside out, the roots produce the fruits.
Thanks for the comment to the post. The truly first step to reprogramming is to become aware of your own beliefs. Quick version of this would be to look at the results you want to change. Look at what actions you took to get those results. Feelings cause us to take actions. So what feelings were present, that ended up with you taking those particular actions? Your feelings are shaped by your thoughts. This is where vision boarding becomes so important. It helps to keep our thoughts focused on what we want. But there is still one more step to changing our beliefs. Becoming aware of the faulty belief that ultimately ended up with the action that you took. Acknowledge what the belief is, that is producing the negative outcome. Recognize what you must believe to be true in order to obtain the outcome you are seeking. Commit to substituting the new belief for the old belief. Find evidence why the new belief is true. Continue to recognize when the faulty belief pops in your head, and substitute your new (chosen) belief. Then proceed on toward other supporting techniques (vision boarding, gratitude exercises, behavior and habit modification, etc.) Soon you will be experiencing new levels of satisfaction and productivity. Of course I encourage you to enlist the help of others, mastermind groups, friends, family, coaches, etc. to keep you accountable to the process.
I LOVE this: “…the roots (beliefs) produce the fruits.” You really do have to re-program your mind, change your thoughts, break the old patterns to get new and better results. Great post, Sean! Question: what’s the first step one could take in changing her mind/reprogramming her mind for success? I’ve found that a vision board really helps and so have several of my friends.