Grow Your Small Business with Live Events
Lead Generation through Live Events
Step #1 in the Profit Formula that we work on with our clients is lead generation. If you have been following us long, you know that I talk a lot about lead generation and marketing. Why do I spend so much time on leads and marketing? Because most business owners do not do it well and it ends up costing them more money and too much frustration. Well live events may be the answer.
One of the key tools I have used in my business and an underutilized tool that I see most small businesses neglecting is Live Events. Small business owners have been sold on social media and direct mail and too many have built their marketing plan around word of mouth marketing and referrals, but the truth is, most of that is not the most effective way to drive more leads into your business.
I have found that simple live events can be the most cost effective and most powerful marketing strategy for a small business owner. So why don’t more businesses use live events?
They have tried and failed and the cost to pay somebody else to do it is too great.
Well, like most marketing, small business owners don’t know how to do it well and on a shoe-string budget.
I have been showing my clients for years tips and tricks to using live events to generate more leads, how to capture more leads at other people’s live events and how to follow up to create actual sales.
I offered a workshop to everyone that wanted to learn. It was held in Loveland, CO April 15th, 2015. I taught simple strategies that allowed you the biggest bang for your buck for promoting your business, educating your customers and clients, building the Know, Like, & Trust that would move your prospects to buyers. Watch for the next time we offer this workshop.
Using live events are a very creative ways to grow your small business. I always try to attend on such events to learn about business growth and various other things.
Have you ever considered holding your own events for your business?
Yes, very recently I’ve hosted an online webinar for fortune tech BD.
Thank you for the invite, but I will not be able to attend.