Tips to Stay Motivated
Don’t hang out with whiners.
We all know who they are: there’s typically a group of people who complain about everything in the office. If the boss pulls out his wallet and starts handing out twenty-dollar bills, the whiners will whisper in the back that they weren’t fifties. These are the same people who spend most of the work day gossiping and blaming others for not doing the job correctly. The weather is either too warm or too cold. It’s a fact that negative people are highly contagious and one chronic complainer can easily get an entire department down.
To stay motivated, protect yourself from these types. Minimize your interaction with them. Don’t try to change their attitude by spending long conversation providing a positive example, lest you get brought down by their disease.
The most motivated people avoid this toxic bunch. Sometimes making a positive difference in business is simply a matter of how a person chooses to think. I always counsel those struggling at work with negative colleagues to look for ways to be authentically positive; for instance, publicly acknowledging a coworker’s accomplishment on completing a project or offering sincere, productive contribution. And even if that doesn’t help immediately change the business culture, I remind them they can always do this at home: telling their significant others or kids why they are inspiring, always using specific, upbeat language not trite, meaningless comments.
It isn’t always possible to avoid the negative whiners, complainers and blamers in your workplace, but when you can, it will help you maintain your own personal motivation. Your best defense against these toxic folks is to protect your own mindset and subscribe to regular doses of motivational and inspiring messages. Connect with us on Youtube to watch our inspiring and motivational playlists.
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