Want to Close More Sales?
Follow Experts
Whatever you decide to do in life, following experts will help in a huge way. If you want to be a baseball player, you will observe the top players and try to emulate what they are doing. You may even try to get some face time with them to get tips on how to be better at your craft.
Trying to get the attention of baseball stars is going to present quite the challenge. Luckily for other career choices, getting in front of experts is not as difficult. You could meet up with some of them at conferences or perhaps they have a decent presence on social media. Follow experts on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.
In today’s tech environment it is easy to connect with experts through Youtube videos, podcasts, Facebook and webinars. But you have to decide who to follow and take the initiative to research where you can find their content.
Whichever way you decide to reach out, make it a point to do so. Most will be willing to help, and you may even get some kind of coaching arrangement out of them. While that may cost some money, bear in mind that what you get out of it will help you make the money back quickly (and then some). If you feel you cannot pay immediately, work out something where you help them out for free in exchange for their expertise.
Even if you don’t reach out right away, start by reading books on the subject. Search for seminars and videos online as they relate to closing sales. If you are selling specialized products, try to find training that is specific to that. If you have the budget, take a course at a business school or association.
Masterminding and Mingling
There is no lesson like experience. This is the main reason to try and seek out experts who can guide you while you are getting the necessary experience. Sometimes, those experts can exist in your own company. Whether you work alone or in a larger organization, seek out trade organizations and clubs geared towards sales. It’s always a good idea to bounce off ideas with one another and pick up pointers from professionals. You’ll make some great contacts as well as possible business leads.
You’ll find that if you provide leads to members of these groups, they will return the favor. In fact, there are organizations that you can join with the sole purpose of exchanging leads with one another. These types of organizations restrict membership to one person per vocation. In other words, you’ll only find one banker, one insurance agent, etc. The head of the group will make a determination as to allow multiple sales people as long as what they are selling is noticeably different.
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