Reboot your life
I want to provide you resources that help you see the world differently, see your life differently and see any challenges you are facing differently. Not every video, book or quote I direct you to will have a grand impact on you right now. I encourage you to come back to these resources as needed throughout your coaching and long after, as well.
Through building a better awareness of our lives, we encounter thoughts and beliefs that we didn’t know we have. One struggle that past clients became aware of, is the challenge to re-boot their lives. Sometimes instead of merely changing directions, they felt he need to stop the course they were taking and completely change paths. Reboot their lives.
I’m a big fan of TED videos and TEDx videos. I was involved with my local TEDx in Loveland. I love their tagline “Ideas worth spreading“. I have many to share if you are ever interested in seeing more. I will share the relevant ones with you when I can.
In this video Priya Parker of Thrive Labs is speaking at TEDxUHasselt. She provides seven techniques to help you quit your life and reboot. Priya invites you to use these techniques to explore the biggest needs in the world that you might have the passion and the capacity to address.